What is Anybus?

Anybus® technology & products since its launch back in 1994 has today grown into the worlds most used 3rd part range of fieldbus connectvity products. Anybus is not a fieldbus, rather a range of generic products that support all industrial fieldbus networks.

Anybus products are divided into 3 catagory areas. All 3 products are quite different in product type, and functionality and usage, but all 3 have the same focus! Lets make industrial networking easyier to adopt! 

Embedded Anybus Technology
Anybus Embeded interfaces supports 15 industrial networks. These products consist of embedded Master/Slave credit card interfaces a Single Chip solutions and the very latest Plug-In solution designed for integration into todays automation products like Drives, Inverters, Robots, Weigh Scales, HMI's, Valve Terminals, PLC's and many more. These embedded Anybus products are "Interchangeable" solutions, once integrated can be simple exchanged for another Anybus module supporting another network.
For example; Your product say an "Inverter" needs to have EtherNet/IP and DeviceNet capability for the US market. Your diliema is you also want to export your product the Europe and Asia, and require additional fieldbus capability like Profibus, Modbus & CC-Link. With "Anybus" inside its simple. After your intial In-design of the generic Anybus interface you simply exchange the EtherNet/IP interface for a Profibus interface, thus giving your product multi-fieldbus connectivity! 
Take a closer look: New Anybus-CC Anybus-M Master Anybus-S Slave Anybus-IC Chip 
Anybus Networking Products
These products have grown out of the embedded Anybus products are have been designed to meet the needs for System Integrators to connect excisitng automation products to fieldbus networks! These external din-rail mounted products consist of Serial to Fieldbus Gateway Converters, Fieldbus to Fieldbus Bridge/Gateways and provide an almost instant way to connect to any fieldbus, or even from one fieldbus network to another. 
Take a closer look: Anybus-Communicator Serial Gateway Anybus-X Bridge/Gateway

Anybus-PC InterfaceProducts
For products such as; embedded PCs and PC based PLC's, CNC's and Robot controllers, HMI's and intelligent visualization systems, technology, HMS has developed this PCI solution based on the high performance / high volume embedded Anybus Master and Slave interface range. As a result HMS can offer a very competitively priced PCI solution with the high performance and interchangeability of the Anybus range.
Take a closer look: Anybus-PCI

Anybus Vs Own Fieldbus Implementation!
Rather than purchase a ready made solution like "Anybus" you might decide to develop a fieldbus solution for your product in-house! 
An implemenation of say "Profibus" would probably take one engineer around 1 year to complete. One completed you will then need fieldbus certification your product. Taking more time and more resources!. Even once your product is certified you then need to maintain it. This includes updating to new standards, and re-submitting your product once again for cetification, and this is just for 1 fieldbus network! Imagine if you need 2,3, or 4 fieldbus networks! 
On the other hand, an Embedded Anybus implementation can vary between 1-3 months, depending on the type of solution your require and the networks that you want to support. Anybus is already pre-certified (where apllicable) by all fieldbus organizations, thus making sure your product certifcation goes through quickly and smoothly. HMS has committed not only to develop products, but also maintaining, upgrading and improving the Anybus products to always keep-up with the latest features for all networks. All Anybus modules use standard chip technologies from the market leaders and are pre-certified. You can always be sure that the Anybus products contain the very latest technology, and will support future technologies. 
The time, money and resources involved with development of just 1 fieldbus network is considerable. The resources required to develop multiple fieldbus solutions are very substancial. With Anybus inside, the fieldbus connectivity problem of your product is solved instantly, without lengthy and costly engineering work, enabling you to focus on core product development. 

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What is Anybus?